Reddit Abstract Models ================================== Class Reference --------------- .. class:: Reddit.RedditPost(self, subreddit: str=None, id: str=None, created_utc: float=None, title: str=None, url: str=None, permalink: str=None, author: str=None, **kwargs) Helper object to represent a Reddit Submission .. note:: To simplify construction from Reddit's JSON return, additional keyword arguments are accepted but discarded .. attribute:: subreddit(str) Submission subreddit .. attribute:: id(str) Unique submission ID `Base36 `_ encoded .. attribute:: created_utc(datetime) Post creation date (UTC) .. attribute:: title(str) Submission title .. attribute:: url(yarl.URL) Content URL .. attribute:: permalink(yarl.URL) Submission permalink .. attribute:: author(str) Submission author .. staticmethod:: fromJSON(inJSON: dict) -> RedditPost Generate ``Reddit.RedditPost`` from a Reddit submission JSON (as dict) .. staticmethod:: fromPRAW(inSub: praw.Submission) -> RedditPost Generate ``Reddit.RedditPost`` from a ``praw.Submission`` object .. class:: RedditPRAW(credentialJSON: Path=Path('./credentials.JSON')) Helper class for PRAW instance .. note:: On instantiation, an attempt is made to authenticate using the input ``credentialJSON`` ``credentialJSON`` should contain a ``'RedditOAuth'`` key with an ``(ID, secret)`` tuple The ``isauthenticated`` attribute can be queried to determine authentication status .. method:: getnewusersubmissions(self, username: str, limit: int=25) -> praw.models.ListingGenerator Return a ``praw.ListingGenerator`` of ``username``'s newest Reddit submissions API call can be limited to a number of submissions, as specified by ``limit`` .. class:: RedditJSON Helper class for Reddit JSON methods .. comethod:: asyncfromJSON(jsonURL: typing.Union[str, URL]=None, skipvalidation: bool=False) -> typing.List: :staticmethod: Return a list of ``Reddit.RedditPost`` objects from an input Reddit JSON URL Supported URL schemas are: .. code-block:: none*.json Other input URL formats are not supported The skipvalidation flag allows you to skip the URL validation if it has already been validated .. staticmethod:: fromJSON(jsonURL: typing.Union[str, URL]=None, skipvalidation: bool=False) -> typing.List: *This function is blocking* Return a list of ``Reddit.RedditPost`` objects from an input Reddit JSON URL Supported URL schemas are: .. code-block:: none*.json Other input URL formats are not supported The skipvalidation flag allows you to skip the URL validation if it has already been validated .. comethod:: asyncfromURL(inURL: typing.Union[str, yarl.URL]=None) -> typing.List: :staticmethod: Return a list of ``reddit.RedditPost`` objects from an input Reddit URL Supported URL schemas are: .. code-block:: none* Other input URL formats are not supported .. staticmethod:: fromURL(inURL: typing.Union[str, yarl.URL]=None) -> typing.List: *This function is blocking* Return a list of ``reddit.RedditPost`` objects from an input Reddit URL Supported URL schemas are: .. code-block:: none* Other input URL formats are not supported